#!/usr/bin/perl -w


        -Tommy Butler, professional contractor, open source proponent, nerd.

         Atrixnet™, for Internet Business Software®
            6711 Forest Park Dr
            Arlington, TX

         ALL embedded class packages are seriously hacked versions of the
         real libraries by the same names.

         Copyright Tommy Butler. All rights reserved

         Futils.pm is free, and you may use and distribute it under the
         GNU GPL liscence.  If you modify the code for your own purposes
         please acknowledge its original author.


package Futils;
use strict;
use Exporter;
$Futils::VERSION     = 3.09;                          # 8/28/2002, 12:06:56 PM
@Futils::ISA         = qw( Exporter Handy::Dandy );
@Futils::EXPORT_OK   = qw
      can_flock   newline   SL   n   eb
      can_read   can_write

      coerce_array   OOorNO
%Futils::EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @Futils::EXPORT_OK ] );


   require Config;

   # start by figuring out the os we're running under.  Some systems support
   # the $^O variable. If not available then require() the Config library
   unless ($Futils::OS = $^O) {

      # I am so sick of the freakin 'used once' warning! Hence...
      $Futils::OS = eval(q[$Config::Config{'osname'}]);
      if ($Futils::OS=~/darwin/i)   { $Futils::OS = 'UNIX'      }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/cygwin/i)   { $Futils::OS = 'CYGWIN'    }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/Win/i)      { $Futils::OS = 'WINDOWS'   }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/vms/i)      { $Futils::OS = 'VMS'       }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/bsdos/i)    { $Futils::OS = 'UNIX'      }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/dos/i)      { $Futils::OS = 'DOS'       }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/^MacOS$/i)  { $Futils::OS = 'MACINTOSH' }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/epoc/)      { $Futils::OS = 'EPOC'      }
   elsif ($Futils::OS=~/os2/i)      { $Futils::OS = 'OS2'       }
                               else { $Futils::OS = 'UNIX'      }

   # Some OS logic.  Binary mode enabled on DOS, NT and VMS
   $Futils::needs_binmode = 0;
   $Futils::needs_binmode = $Futils::OS=~/^(WINDOWS|DOS|OS2|MSWin)/o;

   $Futils::EBCDIC = qq[\t] ne qq[\011];

   if ($Futils::OS eq 'VMS') { $Futils::n = eval(q[chr(10)]) }
   elsif ($Futils::EBCDIC) { $Futils::n = eval(q[chr(13).chr(10)]) }
   else { $Futils::n = qq[\015\012] }

   # The path separator is a slash, backslash or semicolon, depending
   # on the paltform.
   $Futils::SL = {};
   $Futils::SL =
         'DOS'       => '\\',
         'EPOC'      => '/',
         'MACINTOSH' => ':',
         'OS2'       => '\\',
         'UNIX'      => '/',
         'CYGWIN'    => '/',
         'VMS'       => '/',
         'WINDOWS'   => '\\',

   # When all else fails...
   $Futils::SL ||= '/';

   # set readlimit to a default of 10 megabytes
   $Futils::readlimit   = 10000000;

   # maximum allowed directory depth for a recursive call to list_dir
   $Futils::maxdepth    = 500;

   # a global recursion iterator
   $Futils::recursed    = 0;

   # trail-ing directory separator
   $Futils::trailer     = qr/(?:$Futils::SL$)|(?:\/$)|(?:\\$)|(?:\:$)/;

   # directory split
   $Futils::dirsplit    = quotemeta($Futils::SL);
   $Futils::dirsplit    = qr/$Futils::dirsplit|\\|\/|\:/;

   # allow empty writes
   $Futils::empty_writes= 0;$Futils::empty_writes= 0;

   @Futils::onflockfail = ();
   @Futils::onflockfail = qw( --block --fail );

   # use file locking
   $Futils::use_flock = 1;

   # characters not allowed in filenames (sorry, no spaces)
   $Futils::illegal_filename_chrs =
         \ |

   $Futils::canhackit = 0;
   $Futils::canhackit = 1 unless ($] < 5.006001);

      # can your perl flock()

      $Futils::defineflock  =

      $Futils::hasflock = 1 if (eval(<<__canflock__));
flock(STDOUT, Fcntl::LOCK_EX() | Fcntl::LOCK_NB());
flock(STDOUT, Fcntl::LOCK_UN());

      $Futils::hasflock = 1 if (!$@);

      $Futils::hasflock||=0; $Futils::defineflock||=0;

   use Fcntl qw( ); # keep your dad-blasted crap in your own namespace!

   use vars qw( $ebl $ebr $n ); $ebl = '»'; $ebr = '«'; $n = $Futils::n;

   ($ebl,$ebr) = ('~~>','<~~') if ($Futils::OS eq 'WINDOWS')

} # end BEGIN-time loaded constants

$Futils::modes->{'popen'} =
      'write'  => '>',
      'trunc'  => '>',
      'append' => '>>',
      'read'   => '<',

$Futils::modes->{'sysopen'} =
      'read'    => 'Fcntl::O_RDONLY()',
      'write'   => 'Fcntl::O_WRONLY() | Fcntl::O_CREAT()',
      'append'  => 'Fcntl::O_WRONLY() | Fcntl::O_APPEND() | Fcntl::O_CREAT()',
      'trunc'   => 'Fcntl::O_WRONLY() | Fcntl::O_CREAT()  | Fcntl::O_TRUNC()',

# use exception handler library
# use Exception::Handler;

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub new {

   my($this) = {};

   # bless object ref into the class' namespace
   bless($this, shift(@_));

   # get input in hash context, no warnings
   my($opts)   = $this->shave_opts(\@_);
   my($in)     = $this->coerce_array(@_);

   $Futils::use_flock = 0 if ($opts->{'--no-flock'});

   # set up class attributes
   $this->{'name'}      = __PACKAGE__;
   $this->{'n'}         = $Futils::n;
   $this->{'SL'}        = $Futils::SL;
   $this->{'opts'}      = $opts;
   $this->{'expt'}      = Exception::Handler->new();

   $Futils::readlimit   = $in->{'readlimit'} if (defined($$in{'readlimit'}));
   $this->{'hasflock'}  = $Futils::hasflock;
   $this->{'object'}    = $this;

   # return object reference

# Futils::------------------------------------------------
#   newline() can_flock() n() SL() isbin() fexists() eb()
#   set() get() can_read() can_write()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub can_flock { $Futils::hasflock }                   # EXPORT_OK
sub   newline { $Futils::n }                          # EXPORT_OK
sub        SL { $Futils::SL }                         # EXPORT_OK
sub         n { $Futils::n }                          # EXPORT_OK

sub        eb { my($q) = &myargs; $ebl . $q . $ebr }  # EXPORT_OK
sub  can_read { my($f) = &myargs; -r $f }             # EXPORT_OK
sub can_write { my($f) = &myargs; -w $f }             # EXPORT_OK

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::list_dir()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub list_dir {


   my($this)      = shift(@_);
   my($opts)      = $this->shave_opts(\@_);
   my($dir)       = shift(@_)||'.';
   my($path)      = $dir;
   my(@files)     = ();
   my(@dirs)      = ();
   my(@items)     = ();
   my($r)         = 0;

   # if the call to this method didn't include a directory name to open,
   # then complain about it
            'no input',
               'meth'      => 'list_dir',
               'missing'   => 'a directory name',
               'opts'      => $opts,
            unless (length($dir) > 0);

   # if the call to this method included a non-existant directory then
   # complain about it
            'no such file',
               'filename'  => $dir,
               'opts'      => $opts,
            unless (-e $dir);

   if ($opts->{'--recursing'}) { ++$Futils::recursed }
   else { $Futils::recursed = 0 }

   if ($Futils::recursed >= $Futils::maxdepth) {


recursion limit reached.  Maximum recursive directory listings is set to
$Futils::maxdepth.  Try setting \$Futils::maxdepth to a higher number
before calling list_dir() with option '--follow' or '--recurse'

This operation aborted.


   $r = 1

   # whack off any trailing directory separator
   unless (length($dir) == 1)
   { $dir =~ s/$Futils::trailer//o; $path =~ s/$Futils::trailer//o; }

   # can't open a directory if the argument isn't a diretory file type
            'called opendir on a file',
               'filename'  => $dir,
               'opts'      => $opts,
            unless (-d $dir);

   # localize filehandle that we're going to be using in this method

   # open the directory for reading or fail with a diagnostic error message
   # if our attempt to open the directory was unsuccessful
   opendir(DIR, $dir)
                  'bad opendir',
                     'dir'       => $dir,
                     'exception' => $!,
                     'opts'      => $opts,

   # read from beginning of the directory (doesn't seem necessary on any
   # platforms I've run code on, but just in case...)

   # assign the contents of the directory to this lexically scoped array
   # variable(memory for *that* variable will be freed when execution
   # leaves this method / sub
   if ($opts->{'--count-only'}) {

      my($i) = 0; my($o) = '';

      while ($o = readdir(DIR)) { ++$i unless (($o eq '.')||($o eq '..')) }


   @files = readdir(DIR);

   # close the directory or send out a system warning with any diagnostics
   # about the error.  if all else fails, Perl will close the directory
   # for us when the top-level process has finished execution
                  'close dir',
                     'dir'       => $dir,
                     'exception' => $!,
                     'opts'      => $opts,

   if ($opts->{'--no-fsdots'}) {

      my(@shadow) = @files;
      @files      = ();

      while (@shadow) {

         my($f) = shift(@shadow);

                  $this->strip_path($f) eq '.'
                  $this->strip_path($f) eq '..'

   foreach (@files) {

      my($i) = 0;

      my($listing) =
         ($opts->{'--with-paths'} or ($r==1))
            ? $path.$Futils::SL.$_
            : $_;

      if (-d $path.$Futils::SL.$_) {

         push(@dirs, $listing);
      else {

         push(@items, $listing);

   if  (($r) and (not $opts->{'--override-follow'})) {

      my(@shadow) = @dirs;
      @dirs      = ();

      while (@shadow) {

         my($f) = shift(@shadow);

                  $this->strip_path($f) eq '.'
                  $this->strip_path($f) eq '..'

      foreach (@dirs) {

         my(@lsts) =



   if ($opts->{'--sl-after-dirs'}) {

      @dirs       = $this->dropdots(@dirs,'--save-dots');
      my($dots)   = shift(@dirs);
      @dirs       = map ( ($_.=$Futils::SL), @dirs );
      @dirs       = (@{$dots},@dirs);

   my($reta) = [sort(@dirs)];
   my($retb) = [sort(@items)];



   return(@$reta) if ($opts->{'--dirs-only'});
   return(@$retb) if ($opts->{'--files-only'});


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::dropdots()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub dropdots {

   my($this)      = shift(@_);
   my(@out)       = ();
   my($opts)      = $this->shave_opts(\@_);
   my(@shadow)    = @_;
   my(@dots)      = ();
   my($gottadot)  = 0;

   while (@shadow) {

      if ($gottadot == 2){ push(@out,@shadow) and last }

      my($thing) = shift(@shadow);

      if ($thing eq '.')  {++$gottadot;push(@dots,$thing);next}
      if ($thing eq '..') {++$gottadot;push(@dots,$thing);next}


   return([@dots],@out) if ($opts->{'--save-dots'});

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::load_file()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub load_file {

   my($this)      = shift(@_);
   my($opts)      = $this->shave_opts(\@_);
   my($in)        = $this->coerce_array(@_);
   my(@dirs)      = ();
   my($blocksize) = 1024; # 1.24 kb
   my($FH_passed) = 0;
   my($FH)        = undef;
   my($filename)  = '';
   my($path)      = '';
   my($content)   = '';
   my($FHstatus)  = '';
   my($mode)      = 'read';

   if (scalar(@_) == 1) {

      $filename = shift(@_)||'';

      # determine existance of the file path, make directory(ies) for the
      # path if the full directory path doesn't exist
      @dirs = split(/$Futils::dirsplit/, $filename);

      if (scalar(@dirs) > 0) {

         $filename = pop(@dirs);

         $path = join($Futils::SL, @dirs);

      if (length($path) > 0) {

         $path = '.'.$Futils::SL.$path
               ($path !~ /(?:^\/)|(?:^\w\:)/o);
      else {

         $path = '.';

               'no input',
                  'meth'      => 'load_file',
                  'missing'   => 'a file name or file handle reference',
                  'opts'      => $opts,
               if (length($path . $Futils::SL . $filename) == 0);
   else {

      $FH        = $in->{'FH'}              || '';
      $FHstatus  = $in->{'FH_status'}       || '';

      # did we get a filehandle?
      if (length($FH) > 0) {

         $FH_passed = 1;
      else {

               'no input',
                  'meth'      => 'load_file',
                  'missing'   => 'a file name or file handle reference',
                  'opts'      => $opts,

   if ($FH_passed) {

      my($buffer)       = 0;
      my($bytes_read)   = 0;

      while (<$FH>) {

         if ($buffer < $Futils::readlimit) {

            $bytes_read = read( $FH, $content, $blocksize, );

            $buffer += $bytes_read;
         else {

                     'readlimit exceeded',
                        'filename'  => '<FH>',
                        'size'      => qq[[truncated at $bytes_read]],
                        'opts'      => $opts,

      # return an array of all lines in the file if the call to this method/
      # subroutine asked for an array eg- my(@file) = load_file('file');
      # otherwise, return a scalar value containing all of the file's content
      return(split(/$this->{'n'}|\r|\n/o,$content)) if $opts->{'--as-list'};


   # if the file doesn't exist, send back an error
            'no such file',
               'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
               'opts'      => $opts,
            if (not (-e $path . $Futils::SL . $filename));

   # it's good to know beforehand whether or not we have permission to open
   # and read from this file allowing us to handle such an exception before
   # it handles us.

   # --> first check the readability of the file's housing dir
            'cant dread',
               'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL.$filename,
               'dirname'   => $path . $Futils::SL,
               'opts'      => $opts,
            unless ($this->can_read($path . $Futils::SL));

   # --> now check the readability of the file itself
            'cant fread',
               'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL.$filename,
               'dirname'   => $path . $Futils::SL,
               'opts'      => $opts,
            unless ($this->can_read($path . $Futils::SL . $filename));

   # if the file is a directory it will not be opened
            'called open on a dir',
               'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
               'opts'      => $opts,
               (-d $path . $Futils::SL . $filename);

   return($this->{'expt'}->fail( qq[
      $this->{'name'} can't open " $filename " for reading because
      it is a a block special file.] ))
         if (-b $path . $Futils::SL . $filename);

   my($fsize) = $this->fsize($path . $Futils::SL . $filename);

            'readlimit exceeded',
               'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
               'size'      => $fsize,
               'opts'      => $opts,
               ($fsize > $Futils::readlimit);

   # we need a unique filehandle
   $FH = int(rand(time)) . $$;
   $FH = eval('*' . 'LOAD_FILE' . $FH);

   # localize the global output record separator so we can slurp it all
   # in one quick read.  We fail if the filesize exceeds our limit.

   # open the file for reading (note the '<' syntax there) or fail with a
   # error message if our attempt to open the file was unsuccessful
   my($cmd) = '<' . $path . $Futils::SL . $filename;

   # lock file before I/O when possible
   # if ($$opts{'--no-lock'} || $$this{'opts'}{'--no-lock'}) {

      # if you use the '--no-lock' option you are probably stupid
      open(LOAD_FILE, $cmd)
                     'bad open',
                        'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
                        'mode'      => $mode,
                        'exception' => $!,
                        'cmd'       => $cmd,
                        'opts'      => $opts,
   # }
   # else {

         # open(LOAD_FILE, $cmd)
            # or
               # return($this->
                  # throw
                     # (
                        # 'bad open',
                        # {
                           # 'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
                           # 'mode'      => $mode,
                           # 'exception' => $!,
                           # 'cmd'       => $cmd,
                           # 'opts'      => $opts,
                        # }
                     # ));

         # $this->seize($path . $Futils::SL . $filename, *LOAD_FILE);
   # }

   # call binmode on binary files for portability accross platforms such
   # as MS flavor OS family
   CORE::binmode(LOAD_FILE) if (-B $path . $Futils::SL . $filename);

   # assign the content of the file to this lexically scoped scalar variable
   # (memory for *that* variable will be freed when execution leaves this
   # method / sub
   $content = <LOAD_FILE>;

   # if ($$opts{'--no-lock'} || $$this{'opts'}{'--no-lock'}) {

      # if execution gets here, you used the '--no-lock' option, and you
      # are probably stupid
                     'bad close',
                        'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
                        'mode'      => $mode,
                        'exception' => $!,
                        'opts'      => $opts,
   # }
   # else {

      # release shadow-ed locks on the file
      # $this->release(*LOAD_FILE);

      # close(LOAD_FILE)
         # or
            # return($this->
               # throw
                  # (
                     # 'bad close',
                     # {
                        # 'filename'  => $path . $Futils::SL . $filename,
                        # 'mode'      => $mode,
                        # 'exception' => $!,
                        # 'opts'      => $opts,
                     # }
                  # ));
   # }

   # return an array of all lines in the file if the call to this method/
   # subroutine asked for an array eg- my(@file) = load_file('file');
   # otherwise, return a scalar value containing all of the file's content
   return(split(/$this->{'n'}|\r|\n/o,$content)) if $opts->{'--as-list'};


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::isbad()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub isbad { $_[1] =~ /$Futils::illegal_filename_chrs/ }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::strip_path()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub strip_path {

   my($this)      = shift(@_);
   my($filename)  = shift(@_)||'';
   my(@dirs)      = ();

   # determine existance of the file path, make directory(ies) for the
   # path if the full directory path doesn't exist
   @dirs = split(/$Futils::dirsplit/, $filename);


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::throw()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub throw {

   my($this)   = shift(@_);
   my($error)  = shift(@_) || '[empty error]';
   my($opts)   = $this->shave_opts(\@_);
   my($in)     = shift(@_) || {};

   $Futils::errors = eval($Futils::errors);


   unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($this->{'expt'},'expt_handler')) {

      $this->{'expt'} = expt_handler->new();

   foreach (keys(%{$in})) { $_ = (defined($_)) ? $_ : '[undefined value]' }

   unless (defined( $Futils::errors->{$error} )) {

      $Futils::errors->{$error} = $Futils::errors->{'unknown error message'}

   my($bad_news)  = CORE::eval($Futils::errors->{$error});

   if ($opts->{'--as-warning'}) {

      warn($this->{'expt'}->trace($@ || $bad_news)) and return()
      return($this->{'expt'}->trace($@ || $bad_news))

   foreach (keys(%{$in})) {

      $_ = (defined($_)) ? $_  : '[empty value]';

      next if ($_ eq 'opts');

      $bad_news .= qq[ARG   $_ = $in->{$_}] . $n;

   if ($in->{'opts'}) {

      foreach (keys(%{$$in{'opts'}})) {

         $_ = (defined($_)) ? $_  : '[empty value]';

         $bad_news .= qq[OPT   $_] . $n;

   warn($this->{'expt'}->trace($@ || $bad_news)) if ($opts->{'--warn-also'});

   return($this->{'expt'}->fail(($@ || $bad_news)))

# --------------------------------------------------------
# $Futils::errors  [ref to anonymous hash of error msgs]
# --------------------------------------------------------
BEGIN { $Futils::errors = ''; $Futils::errors = <<'____FUTILS_ERRORS____' }
      'bad chars'    => <<'__bad_chars__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't use this string for $ebl$in->{'purpose'}$ebr.
It contains illegal characters.

Illegal characters are:
   $ebl\\$ebr   (backslash)
   $ebl/$ebr   (forward slash)
   $ebl:$ebr   (colon)
   $ebl $ebr   (space)
   $ebl|$ebr   (pipe)
   $ebl*$ebr   (asterisk)
   $ebl?$ebr   (question mark)
   $ebl"$ebr   (double quote)
   $ebl<$ebr   (less than)
   $ebl>$ebr   (greater than)
   $ebl\\t$ebr  (tab)
   $ebl\\r$ebr  (newline CR)
   $ebl\\n$ebr  (newline LF)

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   A human must remove the illegal characters from this string.

Raw input as passed to this method:
      'no such file' => <<'__bad_open__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't open
because no such file or directory exists.

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.
Solution:   Cannot diagnose.  A human must investigate the problem.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'unknown error message' => <<'__foobar_input__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils failed with an invalid error-type designation.

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   A human must fix the programming flaw.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'empty error' => <<'__no_input__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils failed with an empty error-type designation.

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   A human must fix the programming flaw.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'no input' => <<'__no_input__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't honor your call to ${\$ebl}Futils::$in->{'meth'}()$ebr
because you didn't provide $ebl@{[$in->{'missing'}||'the required input']}$ebr

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   A human must fix the programming flaw.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'cant fread' => <<'__cant_read__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Permissions conflict.  Futils can't read the contents of this file:

   Due to insufficient permissions, the system has denied Perl the right to
   view the contents of this file.  It has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'filename'}))[2] & 0777 ]}$ebr

   The directory housing it has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'dirname'}))[2] & 0777) ]}$ebr

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.  External system errors
            can occur however, but this doesn't have to do with Futils.
Solution:   A human must fix the conflict by adjusting the file permissions
            of directories where a program asks Futils to perform I/O.
            Try using Perl's chmod command, or the native system chmod()
            command from a shell.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'cant fcreate' => <<'__cant_write__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Permissions conflict.  Futils can't create this file:

   Futils can't create this file because the system has denied Perl
   the right to create files in the parent directory.

   The -e test returns $ebl@{[-e $in->{'dirname'} ]}$ebr for the directory.
   The -r test returns $ebl@{[-r $in->{'dirname'} ]}$ebr for the directory.
   The -R test returns $ebl@{[-R $in->{'dirname'} ]}$ebr for the directory.
   The -w test returns $ebl@{[-w $in->{'dirname'} ]}$ebr for the directory
   The -W test returns $ebl@{[-w $in->{'dirname'} ]}$ebr for the directory

   Parent directory: (path may be relative or redundant)

   Parent directory has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'dirname'}))[2] & 0777) ]}$ebr

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.  External system errors
            can occur however, but this doesn't have to do with Futils.
Solution:   A human must fix the conflict by adjusting the file permissions
            of directories where a program asks Futils to perform I/O.
            Try using Perl's chmod command, or the native system chmod()
            command from a shell.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'cant fwrite' => <<'__cant_write__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Permissions conflict.  Futils can't write to this file:

   Due to insufficient permissions, the system has denied Perl the right
   to modify the contents of this file.  It has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'filename'}))[2] & 0777) ]}$ebr

   Parent directory has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'dirname'}))[2] & 0777) ]}$ebr

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.  External system errors
            can occur however, but this doesn't have to do with Futils.
Solution:   A human must fix the conflict by adjusting the file permissions
            of directories where a program asks Futils to perform I/O.
            Try using Perl's chmod command, or the native system chmod()
            command from a shell.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'cant dread' => <<'__cant_read__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Permissions conflict.  Futils can't list the contents of this directory:

   Due to insufficient permissions, the system has denied Perl the right to
   view the contents of this directory.  It has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'filename'}))[2] & 0777) ]}$ebr

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.  External system errors
            can occur however, but this doesn't have to do with Futils.
Solution:   A human must fix the conflict by adjusting the file permissions
            of directories where a program asks Futils to perform I/O.
            Try using Perl's chmod command, or the native system chmod()
            command from a shell.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'cant dcreate' => <<'__cant_write__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Permissions conflict.  Futils can't create:

   Futils can't create this directory because the system has denied
   Perl the right to create files in the parent directory.

   Parent directory: (path may be relative or redundant)

   Parent directory has a bitmask of: (octal number)
      $ebl@{[ sprintf('%04o',(stat($in->{'dirname'}))[2] & 0777) ]}$ebr

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.  External system errors
            can occur however, but this doesn't have to do with Futils.
Solution:   A human must fix the conflict by adjusting the file permissions
            of directories where a program asks Futils to perform I/O.
            Try using Perl's chmod command, or the native system chmod()
            command from a shell.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad open' => <<'__bad_open__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't open this file for $ebl$in->{'mode'}$ebr:

   The system returned this error:

   Futils used this directive in its attempt to open the file

Origin:     This is *most likely* due to human error.
Solution:   Cannot diagnose.  A Human must investigate the problem.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'already open' => <<'__already_open__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't open this file

   This file is already in use somewhere else in your code.
   It is opened to descriptor number $ebl@{[
      fileno($this->{'lockbox'}{'file names'}{ $in->{'filename'} }{'handle'})
      '[descriptor irretrievable]'

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   Turn off file locking in Futils or don't open the same file more
            than one time simultaneously.  You risk data corruption.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad nblock' => <<'__bad_lock__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't get a non-blocking exclusive lock on the file

The system returned this error:

Origin:     Could be either human _or_ system error.
Solution:   Fall back to an attempt at getting a lock on the file by blocking.
            Investigate the reason why you can't get a lock on the file,
            it is usually because of improper programming which causes
            race conditions on one or more files.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad lock' => <<'__bad_lock__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't get a blocking exclusive lock on the file.

The system returned this error:

Origin:     Could be either human _or_ system error.
Solution:   Investigate the reason why you can't get a lock on the file,
            it is usually because of improper programming which causes
            race conditions on one or more files.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'called open on a dir' => <<'__bad_open__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't call open() on this file because it is a directory

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   Use Futils::load_file() to load the contents of a file
            Use Futils::list_dir() to list the contents of a directory

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'called opendir on a file' => <<'__bad_open__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't opendir() on this file because it is not a directory.

Use Futils::load_file() to load the contents of a file
Use Futils::list_dir() to list the contents of a directory

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   Use Futils::load_file() to load the contents of a file
            Use Futils::list_dir() to list the contents of a directory

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'readlimit exceeded' => <<'__readlimit__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't load file: $ebl$in->{'filename'}$ebr
into memory because its size exceeds the maximum file size allowed
for a read.

The size of this file is $ebl$in->{'size'}$ebr bytes.

Currently the read limit is set at $ebl$Futils::readlimit$ebr bytes.

Origin:     This is a human error.
Solution:   Consider setting the limit to a higher number of bytes.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad opendir' => <<'__bad_opendir__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils can't opendir this on $ebl$dir$ebr

The system returned this error:

Origin:     Could be either human _or_ system error.
Solution:   Cannot diagnose.  A Human must investigate the problem.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad make_dir' => <<'__bad_make_dir__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils had a problem with the system while attempting to create the directory
you specified with a bitmask of $ebl$in->{'bitmask'}$ebr

directory: $ebl$in->{'dir'}$ebr

The system returned this error:

Origin:     Could be either human _or_ system error.
Solution:   Cannot diagnose.  A Human must investigate the problem.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad close' => <<'__bad_close__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils couldn't close this file after $ebl$in->{'mode'}$ebr

The system returned this error:

Origin:     Could be either human _or_ system error.
Solution:   Cannot diagnose.  A Human must investigate the problem.

Raw input as passed to this method:

      'bad systrunc' => <<'__bad_systrunc__',
Futils v$Futils::VERSION

Futils couldn't truncate() on $ebl$in->{'filename'}$ebr after having
successfully opened the file in write mode.

The system returned this error:

This is most likely _not_ a human error, but has to do with your system's
support for the C truncate() function.

Raw input as passed to this method:

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::DESTROY()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub DESTROY {}

package Handy::Dandy;
use strict;
use Exporter;
$Handy::Dandy::VERSION     = 1.18;                 # 8/24/2002, 2:17:45 PM
@Handy::Dandy::ISA         = qw( Exporter );
@Handy::Dandy::EXPORT_OK   = qw
      coerce_array   OOorNO
%Handy::Dandy::EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @Handy::Dandy::EXPORT_OK ] );

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub new { bless({}, shift(@_)) }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::OOorNO()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub OOorNO { return($_[0]) if UNIVERSAL::can($_[0],'can'); undef }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Futils::myargs()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub myargs { if (&OOorNO) { shift(@_) } @_ }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Handy::Dandy::shave_opts()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub shave_opts {

   my($mamma) = &myargs;

   return(undef) unless ($mamma && ref($mamma) eq 'ARRAY');

   my(@maid)   = @$mamma; @$mamma = ();
   my($opts)   = {};

   while (@maid) {

      my($o) = shift(@maid)||'';

      if ($o =~ /^\Q--\E\w/o) { $opts->{$o} = $o } else { push(@$mamma, $o) }


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Handy::Dandy::coerce_array()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub coerce_array {

   my($hashref)   = {};
   my($i)         = 0;
   my(@shadow)    = &myargs;

   while (@shadow) {

      my($name,$val) = splice(@shadow,0,2);

      if (defined($name)) {

         $hashref->{$name} = (defined($val)) ? $val : '';
      else {


         $hashref->{qq[un-named key no. $i]} = (defined($val)) ? $val : '';


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Handy::Dandy::use_once
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub use_once { @_ }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Handy::Dandy::DESTROY()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub DESTROY {}

# --------------------------------------------------------
# end Handy::Dandy Class, return true on import
# --------------------------------------------------------


package Handy::Dandy::CGItools;
use strict;
use Exporter;
$Handy::Dandy::CGItools::VERSION    = 1.00;        # 8/23/2002, 12:49:15 PM
@Handy::Dandy::CGItools::ISA        = qw( Exporter );
@Handy::Dandy::CGItools::EXPORT_OK  = qw
%Handy::Dandy::CGItools::EXPORT_TAGS =
      'all' => [ @Handy::Dandy::CGItools::EXPORT_OK ]

# --------------------------------------------------------
# sub Handy::Dandy::CGItools::timespent
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub time_spent { sprintf('%0.2f', (time - $^T)) }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Handy::Dandy::CGItools::DESTROY()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub DESTROY {}

# --------------------------------------------------------
# end Handy::Dandy::CGItools Class, return true on import
# --------------------------------------------------------


package Exception::Handler;
use strict;
$Exception::Handler::VERSION   = 1.00;             # 8/12/2002, 10:14:13 PM

use vars qw( $n ); $n = qq[\n];

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub new {

   my($class) = shift;
   my($this)   = {};
   my($name)   = __PACKAGE__;

   # -------------------------------------------
   # bless object ref into the class' namespace
   # -------------------------------------------
   bless($this, $name);

   # this is always a handy help
   $this->{'name'} = $name;

   # return object reference

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Exception::Handler::fail(), error(), belch()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub fail {

    my($this) = shift;
    my($throw_count) = $this->{'tflag'} || 0;

      # I refuse to manually initialize a standard environment
      # variable.  This is an example where the warnings pragma
      # is going too far.  It's something we live with.
        local($^W) = undef;

      # if we're running in a CGI gateway iface, we need
      # to output the necessary HTTP headers
      if ( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ /^HEAD|^GET|^POST/io ) {

         print(<<__crash__) and exit;
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

@{[ $this->trace(@_) ]}
      else {

         print(<<__crash__) and exit;
@{[ $this->trace(@_) ]}


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Exception::Handler::trace()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub trace {

    my($this)    = shift;
    my(@errors)  = @_;
    my($errfile) = '';
    my($caught)  = 0;
        $pak,     $filename,  $linenum,  $subroutine,
        $hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext, $req_OR_use,
        @stack,   $trace,     $i,        $ialias,
    $ialias = 0;
    while (
            $pak,     $filename,  $linenum,  $subroutine,
            $hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext, $req_OR_use
        = caller( $i++ )
        $ialias = $i - 2;

        my(@tree) = split ( /\:\:/, $subroutine );

        if ( $tree[0] ne $this->{'name'} ) {

            push (
                @stack, qq[
$ialias. $subroutine
     -called at line ($linenum) of $filename

               ? '-was called with args'
               : '-was called without args'
               ? '-was called to evalate text'
               : '-was not called to evaluate anything'
        else {
            $caught =
              . uc(qq[exception was raised at])
              . qq[ line ($linenum) of $filename];

    $i = 0;

    if ( scalar(@errors) == 0 ) {

        push ( @errors, qq[[unreported error. stack frame no. $ialias...]] );

    foreach (@errors) {

        $_ = ( defined($_) ) ? $_ : '';

        if ( length($_) == 0 ) {

            $_ = qq[Something is wrong. stack frame no. $ialias...];
        else { $_ =~ s/^(?:\r|\n)//o; $_ =~ s/(?:\r|\n)$//o; $_ = qq[$n$_$n]; }

    $trace  = join ( $n x 2, @errors, ) . $caught . $n x 2;
    $trace .= join ( $n x 2, @stack );

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Exception::Handler::DESTROY()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub DESTROY {}

package main;
use strict;

INIT { print(<<__OUT__) if $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} }
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
     <title>perl binary details</title>
      content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

      HTML {
         color: #000000;
         background-color: #FFFFFF;
         font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;

      BODY {
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px 0px 40px 20px;
         color: #000000;
         background-color: #FFFFFF;
         font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;
         font-size: 13px;

      PRE {
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         font-family: Lucida Console, Courier New, Courier, monospace;
         font-size: 11px;

       font-size: 18px;
       font-weight: bold;
       padding: 0 0 15px 0;">
         Gathering data... *(this could take several seconds)*
       font-size: 32px;
       font-weight: bold;
       padding: 15px 0 15px 0;">
         perl binary details

$main::ldh = sub {

   print(q[<!-- no timeout -->])
      if $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};


my($m) = qr/\.pm$/; my($V) = qr/VERSION(?:\s){0,}\=(?:\s){0,}(['"._\d]+?)\;/;

my($f) = {}; $f = Futils->new(); my(@o) = (); @o = `perl -v`; my($o) = '';

push(@o,$Futils::n x 2,`perl -V`, $Futils::n x 2); $o = join('',@o); undef(@o);

if (defined(%Config::Config)) {

   my(%con) = (%Config::Config);

   $con{'osname'} ||= $^O || '[osname variable not available]';

   foreach (sort(keys(%con))) {

      if (defined($con{$_})) {

         if (length($con{$_}) == 0) {

            $con{$_} = '[defined empty]'; $o .= qq[$_ => $con{$_}] . $Futils::n;
         else { $o .= qq[$_ => $con{$_}] . $Futils::n; }
      else { $o .= qq[$_ => [undefined]] . $Futils::n; }
else {

   $o .= $Futils::n
      . q[%Config::Config not defined or unavailable.]
      . $Futils::n;

$Futils::maxdepth = 1000;

$o .= $Futils::n x 2
   . q[@INC is ]
   . join($Futils::n, @INC)
   . $Futils::n x 2
   . q[@INC CONTAINS...];

print($o) and undef($o);

my(@opts) = qw

my($nick) = '';
my($mods) = 0;
my($mver) = 0;
my($cut)  = join('|',reverse(sort(@INC)));

my($cvr)  = qr/[^ .0-9]/;
my($cvr2) = qr/(?: ){2,}/;

$cut = qr/^(?:$cut)$Futils::SL/;

foreach (@INC) {

   next if ($_ eq '.');
   next if ($f->strip_path($_) eq 'auto');

         $Futils::n x 2
         . q[ALL MODULES INSTALLED in ]
         . $_
         . $Futils::n
         . '=' x 80
         . $Futils::n
         . q[NAME]
         . ' ' x 56
         . q[VERSION]
         . $Futils::n
         . '-' x 80

   foreach ($f->list_dir($_,@opts),print($Futils::n)) {

      if ($_ =~ /$m/) {


         $nick = $_; $nick =~ s/$cut//; $nick =~ s/$Futils::dirsplit/\:\:/g;

         print(sprintf('% -60s %s',$nick,get_ver($_)). $Futils::n);

   print($Futils::n x 2);

print(join('',@o), <<__DONE__);
counted $mods installed modules.
@{[$mods - $mver]} modules did not have a parsable version number.

this page generated in approximately @{[
Handy::Dandy::CGItools::time_spent]} seconds

print(<<'__ENDHTML__') if $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};


sub get_ver {

   my($file) = @_; my($buffer) = '';
   my($v)    = ''; my($lines)  = 0;

   $file ||= '';

   warn(q[No file argument passed to get_ver()]) and return(undef)
      unless ($file);


   sysopen(VER, $file, Fcntl::O_RDONLY())
Problem gathering Perl module version data from \@INC.

   \$! = ($!)
   \$@ = ($@)
   \$? = ($?)
   \$? >> 8 = (@{[$? >> 8]})
   \$^E = ($^E)


   while (sysread(VER, $buffer, 512)) {

      $lines  += ($buffer =~ tr/$Futils::n//);

      if ($buffer =~ m/$V/) {

         $v = $1||'[bad match!]'; $v =~ s/$cvr//g; $v =~ s/$cvr2/ /g;

         ++$mver; close(VER) and return($v);

      $buffer  = ''; last if ($lines > 50);

   close(VER) and return(q[  ?]);

# This software was written by Tommy Butler, 8/28/2002
# Copyright Tommy Butler, all rights reserved.