#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # follow the rules $| = 1; # unbuffer STDOUT my $i = 1; my $t = 1; my $chars; my $line_divider = qq{ | |_______________________|_______________________|_______________________|_______________________| | | | | | }; while ($i < 257) { $t = 1 if $t == 5; my $ascii = chr($i); $ascii = '\b' if $ascii eq "\b"; $ascii = '\n' if $ascii eq "\n"; $ascii = '\r' if $ascii eq "\r"; $ascii = '\t' if $ascii eq "\t"; $ascii = '\f' if $ascii eq "\f"; $ascii = '\v' if $ascii eq "\v"; $ascii = '\a' if $ascii eq "\a"; $ascii = '\e' if $ascii eq "\e"; $ascii = '\s' if $ascii eq "\s"; $ascii = '\?' if ($i == 32 or $i == 173 or $i == 256); my $count_padding = ' ' x abs(length($i) - 3); my $count_disp = $count_padding.$i; my $ascii_padding = ' ' x abs(length($ascii) - 2); my $ascii_disp = $ascii_padding.$ascii; $chars .= " \| ASCII $count_disp: ".$ascii_disp; $chars .= $line_divider if $t == 4; $i++; $t++; } print "Content-type:text/plain\n\n" and print <