package Website::AccessLog;
use strict;
use Exporter;
@Website::AccessLog::ISA      = qw( Exporter );
@Website::AccessLog::EXPORT_OK= qw( pageview );
$Website::AccessLog::VERSION  = 1.02;              # 8/10/2002, 1:24:29 PM


        -Tommy Butler, professional contractor and open source proponent

         Atrixnet™, for Internet Business Software®
            6711 Forest Park Dr
            Arlington, TX

         Copyright Tommy Butler. All rights reserved

         This software is free, and you may use and distribute it under the
         GNU GPL liscence.  If you modify the code for your own purposes
         please acknowledge its original author.

      Please report any of the following to me
         - bugs
         - interface inconsistencies
         - suggestions
         - comments
         - complaints
         - smart remarks


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub new { bless({}, __PACKAGE__) }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Website::AccessLog::OOorNO()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub OOorNO { $_[0] if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__)) }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# AccessLog::pageview
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub pageview {

   my($this)      = &OOorNO ? shift(@_) : undef;
   my($dlm)       = qq[\244];
   my($elements)  =
         'id'         => shift(@_)                    || time . $$,
         'stamp'      => shift(@_)                    || time,
         'path'       => $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}            || '[no path info]',
         'remote_ip'  => $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}          || '[no IP]',
         'method'     => $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}       || '[no request method]',
         'requri'     => $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}          || '[no requri]',
         'referer'    => $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}         || '[no http referer]',
         'user_agent' => $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}      || '[no user agent]',
         'lang'       => $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'} || '[no lang]',

   { my($qdlm) = quotemeta($dlm); my($subst) = quotemeta(q[[$$dlm$$]]);
     foreach (keys(%{ $elements })) {$elements->{$_} =~ s/$qdlm/$subst/g} }


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Destructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub DESTROY {}