package Stack;
use strict;
use Exception::Handler;
use err_log;
$Stack::VERSION   = 1.08;                          # 8/29/2002, 12:05:21 PM
@Stack::ISA       = qw( Exception::Handler );


        -Tommy Butler, professional contractor and open source proponent

         Atrixnet™, for Internet Business Software®
            6711 Forest Park Dr
            Arlington, TX

         Copyright Tommy Butler. All rights reserved

         This software is free, and you may use and distribute it under the
         GNU GPL liscence.  If you modify the code for your own purposes
         please acknowledge its original author.

      Please report any of the following to me
         - bugs
         - interface inconsistencies
         - suggestions
         - comments
         - complaints


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub new {

   my($class) = shift;
   my($this)  = {};
   my($name)  = __PACKAGE__;

   # -------------------------------------------
   # bless object ref into the class' namespace
   # -------------------------------------------
   bless($this, $name);

   my($in) = $this->coerce_array(@_);
   # -------------------------------------------
   # begin setting up class attributes
   # -------------------------------------------
   $this->{'name'}   = $name;
   $this->{'CONFIG'} = $in->{'CONFIG'};

   # -------------------------------------------
   # finish by verifying class attributes
   # -------------------------------------------


   # return object reference

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::verify_attributes()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub verify_attributes {

   my($this)   = shift;
   my($name)   = $this->{'name'};
   my($CONFIG) = $this->{'CONFIG'};

         qq[$name needs a ref to CONFIG config hash]
   if not $CONFIG;


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::init()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub init {

   my($this) = shift;

   # what is my own debug mode?
   $this->{'debug'}     = $this->{'CONFIG'}{'debug'}    || [];
   $this->{'verbose'}   = $this->{'CONFIG'}{'verbose'}  || [];

   if (ref($this->{'debug'}) eq 'SCALAR') {

      my($debug) = $this->{'debug'};


      $this->{'debug'}[0] = ($debug) ? 'all' : 'none';

   if (ref($this->{'verbose'}) eq 'SCALAR') {

      my($verbose) = $this->{'verbose'};


      $this->{'verbose'}[0] = ($verbose) ? 'all' : 'none';


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::debug()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub debug {

   my($this)   = shift;
   my($caller) = caller();

      if ($this->{'debug'}[0] eq 'all');

   foreach(@{ $this->{'debug'} }) {

         if $_ eq $caller;


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::verbose()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub verbose {

   my($this)   = shift;
   my($caller) = caller();

      if ($this->{'verbose'}[0] eq 'all');

   foreach(@{ $this->{'verbose'} }) {

         if $_ eq $caller;


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::use_private_log()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub use_private_log {

   my($this)      = shift;
   my($filename)  = shift;

   my($FHref)  = err_log->new();

   $this->{'handles'}[$this->{'logid'}] = $FHref;



# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::warn_to_pvlog()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub warn_to_pvlog {

   my($this)      = shift;
   my($plogid)    = 0;

         scalar(@_) > 1
         length($_[0]) < 2

      $plogid = int(shift(@_));

            not exists($this->{'handles'}[$plogid])
            not defined($this->{'handles'}[$plogid])

   my($FHref) = $this->{'handles'}[$plogid];


      print $FHref @_;


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::announce()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub announce {

   my($this)      = shift;
   my($newobject) = shift || '';

   # tell everyone the details of
   # this new objects birth
         $pak,      $filename,
         $linenum,  $subroutine,
         $hasargs,  $wantarray,
         $evaltext, $req_OR_use
      ) = caller(1);

   if (defined($newobject)) {

      $newobject = ref($newobject);

      if (length($newobject) > 0) {

         $newobject .= qq[ was created by $pak, line $linenum.];


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::coerce_array()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub coerce_array {

   my($this)      = shift;
   my($hashref)   = {};

   while (@_) {

      my($name)   = shift(@_) || '';
      my($val)    = shift(@_) || '';

      if (defined($name) and defined($val)) {

         $hashref->{$name} = $val;
      else {



# --------------------------------------------------------
# Stack::DESTROY()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub DESTROY { } sub AUTOLOAD { }

# --------------------------------------------------------
# end Stack Class, return true on import
# --------------------------------------------------------
