package Handy::Dandy::TimeTools; use strict; use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD $ATL $SEC $MIN $HOUR $DAY $WEEK $YEAR $UTC_OFFSET ); use Exporter; use Class::OOorNO qw( :all ); use Handy::Dandy qw( :all ); $VERSION = 0.01_9; # 1/8/03, 5:16 pm @ISA = qw( Exporter Class::OOorNO Handy::Dandy ); @EXPORT_OK = ( @Class::OOorNO::EXPORT_OK, @Handy::Dandy::EXPORT_OK, qw ( UTC_OFFSET stamp to_seconds convert_time seconds_since second minute hour month year dayofweek dayofyear minutestart hourstart daystart weekstart monthstart yearstart )); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::EXPORT_OK ] ); $UTC_OFFSET = -6; # default to US Central time zone $SEC = qr/^SEC/; $MIN = qr/^MIN/; $HOUR = qr/^HOUR/; $DAY = qr/^DAY/; $WEEK = qr/^WEEK/; $YEAR = qr/^YEAR/; # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::stamp() # -------------------------------------------------------- { my($months) = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December', ]; my($days) = [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ]; sub stamp { my($opts) = shave_opts(\@_); my($argtime,$offset) = myargs(@_); $argtime ||= time unless Handy::Dandy->isint($argtime); $offset ||= $UTC_OFFSET unless Handy::Dandy->isint($offset); $argtime += ($offset * 3600); my($sec,$min,$h24,$date,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = gmtime($argtime); my($hour) = $h24; $hour = $h24 - 12 if ($h24 > 12); $hour = 12 if ($hour == 0); my($AMPM) = ($h24 >= 12) ? 'pm' : 'am'; goto DEFAULT if ($opts->{'--short'} or !scalar(keys(%$opts))); # -June-15-2002-16.22.43 return ( sprintf( q[-%s-%u-%u-%u.%02u.%02u], $months->[$mon], $date, $year + 1900, $h24, $min, $sec ) ) if ($opts->{'--file'} || $opts->{'--filename'}); # 5/15/02 return ( sprintf( q[%s/%s/%2s], $mon + 1, $date, substr($year + 1900, 2) ) ) if $opts->{'--mdy'}; # Saturday, June 15, 2002, 4:22 pm return ( sprintf( q[%s, %s %u, %u, %s:%02u %s], $days->[$wday], $months->[$mon], $date, $year + 1900, $hour, $min, $AMPM ) ) if ($opts->{'--formal'} || $opts->{'--long'}); # Sat, 15 Jun 2002 16:22:43 GMT return ( sprintf( q[%s, %02u %s %s %02u:%02u:%02u GMT], substr($days->[$wday],0,3), $date, substr($months->[$mon],0,3), $year + 1900, abs($h24 + $UTC_OFFSET), $min, $sec ) ) if $opts->{'--iso'}; # Sat 5/15/02 16:22:43 return ( sprintf( q[%s %s/%s/%2s %s:%02u:%02u], substr($days->[$wday],0,3), $mon + 1, $date, substr($year + 1900, 2), $h24, $min, $sec ) ) if $opts->{'--succinct'}; # 4:22 pm return ( sprintf( q[%s:%02u %s], $hour, $min, $AMPM ) ) if $opts->{'--hm'}; # 4:22:43 pm return ( sprintf( q[%s:%02u:%02u %s], $hour, $min, $sec, $AMPM ) ) if $opts->{'--hms'}; # 16:22:43 return ( sprintf( q[%s:%02u:%02u], $h24, $min, $sec ) ) if $opts->{'--24hms'}; # MOVING TO IF-ELSIF-ELSE SEQUENCE NOW... if ($opts->{'--dayofmonth'}) { # (number of the date) 1 - [28-31] return($date); } elsif ($opts->{'--dayofweek'}) { # (number for day of the week) 1 - 7 return($wday+1) if $opts->{'--num'}; # (name of the day) Sunday - Saturday return($days->[$wday]); } elsif ($opts->{'--dayofyear'}) { # (number for day of the year) 1 - 365 (non-leap) return($yday); } elsif ($opts->{'--month'}) { # (number of the month) 1 - 12 return($mon+1) if $opts->{'--num'}; # (name of the month) January - December return($months->[$mon]); } elsif ($opts->{'--year'}) { # (year number) 2002 return($year + 1900); } elsif ($opts->{'--shortyear'}) { # (abbreviated year number) return(substr($year + 1900, 2)); } elsif ($opts->{'--minute'}) { # (number of the minute) 0 - 59 return($min); } elsif ( $opts->{'--hour'}) { # (number of the hour) 0 - 24 return($h24); } elsif ($opts->{'--second'}) { # (number of the second) 0 - 59 return($sec); } else { DEFAULT: # 5/15/02, 4:22 pm return ( sprintf( q[%s/%u/%2s, %s:%02u %s], $mon + 1, $date, substr($year + 1900, 2), $hour, $min, $AMPM ) ); } ''; } } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::to_seconds() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub to_seconds { my($unit) = ${\myargs(@_)} || return(undef); my($amt) = 0; ($amt,$unit) = split(/ /,$unit); $unit = uc($unit); return(0) unless Handy::Dandy::isnum($amt); if ($unit =~ /$SEC/) { return($amt); } elsif ($unit =~ /$MIN/) { return($amt * 60); } elsif ($unit =~ /$HOUR/) { return($amt * 3600); } elsif ($unit =~ /$DAY/) { return($amt * 86400); } elsif ($unit =~ /$WEEK/) { return($amt * 604800); } elsif ($unit =~ /$YEAR/) { return($amt * 31536000); } -1; } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::seconds_since() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub seconds_since { my($opts) = shave_opts(\@_); my($h,$m,$s) = ( stamp('--hour'), stamp('--minute'), stamp('--second') ); $h = to_seconds(qq[$h hours]); $m = to_seconds(qq[$m minutes]); my($hms) = $h+$m+$s; if ($opts->{'--minutestart'}) { $s } elsif ($opts->{'--hourstart'}) { $m + $s } elsif ($opts->{'--daystart'}) { $hms } elsif ($opts->{'--weekstart'}) { $hms + to_seconds(stamp('--dayofweek','--num') - 1 . q[ days]) } elsif ($opts->{'--monthstart'}) { $hms + to_seconds(stamp('--dayofmonth') - 1 . q[ days]) } elsif ($opts->{'--yearstart'}) { $hms + to_seconds(stamp('--dayofyear') . q[ days]) } else { undef } } # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::------------------------------- # minutestart(), hourstart(), daystart(), # weekstart(), monthstart(), yearstart() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub minutestart { time - seconds_since '--minutestart' } sub hourstart { time - seconds_since '--hourstart' } sub daystart { time - seconds_since '--daystart' } sub weekstart { time - seconds_since '--weekstart' } sub monthstart { time - seconds_since '--monthstart' } sub yearstart { time - seconds_since '--yearstart' } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::AUTOLOAD() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub AUTOLOAD { my($sub) = $AUTOLOAD; $sub =~ s/^.*\:\://o; if (ref($ATL) ne 'HASH') { $ATL = eval($ATL); } if (ref(eval(qq[\$sub])) eq 'CODE') { goto &$sub; } unless ($ATL->{ $sub }) { die(qq[BAD AUTOLOAD. Can't do $sub(). Don't know what it is.]); } eval($ATL->{ $sub }); CORE::delete($ATL->{ $sub }); goto &$sub; } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::DESTROY() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub DESTROY {} BEGIN { $ATL = <<'___AUTOLOADED___'; } { 'UTC_OFFSET' => <<'__SUB__', # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::UTC_OFFSET() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub UTC_OFFSET { my($o) = myargs(@_); $UTC_OFFSET = $o if $o; $UTC_OFFSET } __SUB__ 'convert_time' => <<'__SUB__', # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::convert_time() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub convert_time { # syntax: $dandy->convert_time($int, q[days to hours]) my($amt, $cmd) = myargs(@_); return(undef) unless Handy::Dandy::isnum($amt); my(@specs) = split(/ /,uc($cmd)); my($from) = $specs[0]; my($to) = $specs[-1]; # FROM conversions # (note: conversion FROM seconds TO unit x is implicit) if ($from =~ /$MIN/) { $amt *= 60; } elsif ($from =~ /$HOUR/) { $amt *= 3600; } elsif ($from =~ /$DAY/) { $amt *= 86400; } elsif ($from =~ /$WEEK/) { $amt *= 604800; } elsif ($from =~ /$YEAR/) { $amt *= 31536000; } # TO conversions if ($to =~ /$MIN/) { return($amt / 60); } elsif ($to =~ /$HOUR/) { return($amt / 3600); } elsif ($to =~ /$DAY/) { return($amt / 86400); } elsif ($to =~ /$WEEK/) { return($amt / 604800); } elsif ($to =~ /$YEAR/) { return($amt / 31536000); } return($amt); } __SUB__ # Handy::Dandy::TimeTools::------------------------------- # second(), minute(), hour(), month(), year() # dayofmonth(), dayofweek(), dayofyear() # -------------------------------------------------------- 'second' => <<'__SUB__', sub second { stamp('--second'); } __SUB__ 'minute' => <<'__SUB__', sub minute { stamp('--minute'); } __SUB__ 'hour' => <<'__SUB__', sub hour { stamp('--hour'); } __SUB__ 'month' => <<'__SUB__', sub month { stamp('--month','--num'); } __SUB__ 'monthnum' => <<'__SUB__', sub monthnum { stamp('--month','--num'); } __SUB__ 'monthname' => <<'__SUB__', sub monthname { stamp('--month'); } __SUB__ 'year' => <<'__SUB__', sub year { stamp('--year'); } __SUB__ 'shortyear => <<'__SUB__', sub shortyear { stamp('--shortyear'); } __SUB__ 'dayofmonth' => <<'__SUB__', sub dayofmonth { stamp('--dayofmonth','--num'); } __SUB__ 'dayofweek' => <<'__SUB__', sub dayofweek { stamp('--dayofweek','--num'); } __SUB__ 'dayofyear' => <<'__SUB__', sub dayofyear { stamp('--dayofyear'); } __SUB__ } ___AUTOLOADED___ # -------------------------------------------------------- # end Handy::Dandy::TimeTools Class, return true on import # -------------------------------------------------------- 1; =pod =head1 NAME Handy::Dandy::TimeTools - Get the time in lots of ways, in lots of formats =head1 VERSION 0.01_8 =head1 @ISA Exporter OOorNO Handy::Dandy::TimeTools =head1 @EXPORT None by default. =head1 @EXPORT_OK All available methods. =head1 %EXPORT_TAGS :all (exports all of @EXPORT_OK) =head1 Methods stamp() to_seconds() convert_time() seconds_since() second() minute() hour() month() year() dayofweek() dayofyear minutestart() hourstart() daystart() weekstart() monthstart() yearstart() UTC_OFFSET() =head2 AUTOLOAD-ed methods convert_time() UTC_OFFSET() second() minute() hour() month() monthnum() monthname() year() shortyear() dayofmonth() dayofweek() dayofyear() =head1 PREREQUISITES =head1 AUTHOR Tommy Butler =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright(c) 2001-2003, Tommy Butler. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut