package Handy::Dandy::CGItools; use strict; use Exporter; use Time::HiRes qw( time ); $Handy::Dandy::CGItools::VERSION = 1.00_4; # 10/1/02, 1:17 pm @Handy::Dandy::CGItools::ISA = qw( Exporter ); @Handy::Dandy::CGItools::EXPORT_OK = qw ( cgi_error cgi_header params_defined time_spent ); %Handy::Dandy::CGItools::EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @Handy::Dandy::CGItools::EXPORT_OK ] ); =pod AUTHOR Tommy Butler phone: (817)-468-7716 6711 Forest Park Dr Arlington, TX 76001-8403 COPYRIGHT Tommy Butler. All rights reserved LISCENCE This software is free, use/distribute under the GNU GPL. BUGS TO Tommy Butler HISTORY 1.00_3 9/17/02, 9:33 am Fixed bug that caused warning about an uninitialized value to be output every time method 'cgi_error' was called 1.00_4 10/1/02, 1:17 pm Method 'cgi_header' now passes all of its arguments to method 'CGI::header', instead of the first argument only. =cut # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::CGItools::cgi_header() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub cgi_header { return($$main::pcom{'CGI'}->header(@_)) unless ($$main::pcom{'sent CGI header'}); ++$$main::pcom{'sent CGI header'}; '' } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::CGItools::cgi_error() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub cgi_error { my($error) = ''; foreach (@_) { $_ = '' unless defined($_); $error .= qq[
\012] } $$main::pcom{'Template::Parser'}->set_token('error' => $error); print ( &cgi_header(), $$main::pcom{'Template::Parser'}->parse_file ( $$main::pcom{'DIR'}{'templates'} . '/error.tmpl' ) ); exit(1) } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::CGItools::params_defined() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub params_defined { my(@errors) = (); my($bullet) = q[·]; my($required) = $$main::pcom{'Futils'}->coerce_array(@_); foreach (keys(%{$required})) { my($req) = $_; my($alias) = $required->{$_}; my($val) = $$main::pcom{'CGI'}->param($req)||''; if (length($val) == 0) { push(@errors, qq[
$bullet $alias
]) } } return(1) unless (@errors > 0); &cgi_error(<<__error__,@errors)

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__error__ } # -------------------------------------------------------- # sub Handy::Dandy::CGItools::timespent # -------------------------------------------------------- sub time_spent { sprintf('%0.2f', (time - $^T)) } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::CGItools::DESTROY(), AUTOLOAD() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub DESTROY {} sub AUTOLOAD {} # -------------------------------------------------------- # end Handy::Dandy::CGItools Class, return true on import # -------------------------------------------------------- 1;