package Handy::Dandy; use strict; use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $ATL $AUTOLOAD ); use Exporter; use Class::OOorNO qw( :all ); $VERSION = 1.30_6; # 12/23/02, 1:17 am @ISA = qw( Exporter Class::OOorNO ); @EXPORT_OK = ( qw ( convert_size html_encode html_escape isfloat isin isint isnum touch trim use_once utf8 ) ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ @EXPORT_OK ] ); # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::use_once # -------------------------------------------------------- sub use_once { } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::isnum # -------------------------------------------------------- sub isnum { isint(@_) || isfloat(@_) } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::isint # -------------------------------------------------------- sub isint { my($check) = myargs(@_); return undef unless defined($check); # it's too complicated to figure out whether or not a given # string is an integer when it contains the '_' character. # I'm not going to write in support for it. calls that pass # the "_" character to this method within a string will get # a value of undef passed back $check !~ tr/0123456789/0123456789/cd ? $check : undef } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::isfloat # -------------------------------------------------------- sub isfloat { my($check) = myargs(@_); return undef unless defined($check); return undef if $check !~ /\./; return undef if substr($check,-1,1) eq '.'; return undef if $check =~ tr/././d > 1; return undef if $check =~ tr/._0123456789/._0123456789/cd >= 1; (length($check)) ? ($1||'') . $check : undef } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::html_escape() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub html_escape { my(@chars) = split(//,(${\myargs(@_)}||return(undef))); my($c) = ''; my($i) = 0; # need to escape ascii 33-47, 58-64, 91-96, 123+ for ($i = 0; $i < @chars; ++$i) { $c = ord($chars[$i]); if ( ($c > 32 and $c < 48) || ($c > 57 and $c < 65) || ($c > 90 and $c < 97) || ($c > 123) ) { $chars[$i] = qq[\046\043] . $c . qq[\073] } } return(join('',@chars)) } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::AUTOLOAD() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub AUTOLOAD { my($sub) = $AUTOLOAD; $sub =~ s/^.*\:\://o; if (ref($ATL) ne 'HASH') { $ATL = eval($ATL); } if (ref(eval(qq[\$sub])) eq 'CODE') { goto &$sub; } unless ($ATL->{ $sub }) { die(qq[BAD AUTOLOAD. Can't do $sub(). Don't know what it is.]); } eval($ATL->{ $sub }); CORE::delete($ATL->{ $sub }); goto &$sub } # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::DESTROY() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub DESTROY {} BEGIN { $ATL = <<'___AUTOLOADED___'; } { 'isin' => <<'__SUB__', # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::isin # -------------------------------------------------------- sub isin { @_ = myargs(@_); my($cmp) = shift(@_) || return(undef); my(%hash) = (); @hash{ @_ } = @_; exists $hash{ $cmp } } __SUB__ 'convert_size' => <<'__SUB__', # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::convert_size() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub convert_size { # syntax: $dandy->convert_size($int, q[bytes to megabytes]) my($amt, $cmd) = myargs(@_); return(undef) unless isnum($amt); my(@specs) = split(/ /,$cmd); my($from) = $specs[0]; my($to) = $specs[-1]; my($b) = 1; my($k) = 1000; my($m) = 1000000; # FROM conversions if ($from =~ /^ki/io) { $amt *= $k; } elsif ($from =~ /^meg/io) { $amt *= $m; } elsif ($from =~ /^by/io) { $amt *= $b; } # TO conversions if ($to =~ /^ki/io) { $amt /= $k; } elsif ($to =~ /^meg/io) { $amt /= $m; } elsif ($to =~ /^by/io) { $amt /= $b; } return($amt); } } __SUB__ 'utf8' => <<'__SUB__', # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::utf8() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub utf8 { my($toencode) = join('',@{[&myargs,'']}); my($no_encode) = q[a-zA-Z 0-9_\\-@.=]; $toencode =~ s/([^&;$no_encode])/sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))/ego; $toencode =~ tr/ /+/; return($toencode); } __SUB__ 'html_encode' => <<'__SUB__', # -------------------------------------------------------- # Handy::Dandy::html_encode() # -------------------------------------------------------- sub html_encode { my(@chars) = split(//,join('',@{[&myargs,'']})); foreach (@chars) { $_ = '&#' . ord($_) .';'; } return(join('',@chars)); } __SUB__ } ___AUTOLOADED___ # -------------------------------------------------------- # end Handy::Dandy Class, return true on import # -------------------------------------------------------- 1; =pod =head1 NAME Handy::Dandy - Miscellaneous simple, reusable code routines. =head1 VERSION 1.30_6 =head1 @ISA Exporter OOorNO Handy::Dandy::TimeTools =head1 @EXPORT None by default. =head1 @EXPORT_OK All available methods. =head1 %EXPORT_TAGS :all (exports all of @EXPORT_OK) =head1 Methods convert_size() html_encode() html_escape() isfloat() isin() isint() isnum() use_once() utf8() =head2 AUTOLOAD-ed methods convert_size() html_encode() isin() utf8() =head1 PREREQUISITES Handy::Dandy::TimeTools =head1 AUTHOR Tommy Butler =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright(c) 2001-2003, Tommy Butler. All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut