package ClockPerl;
use constant NL => qq[\012];
use vars qw/ $VERSION /;
$VERSION = 1.00;
Tommy Butler <>
phone: (817)-468-7716
6711 Forest Park Dr
Arlington, TX
COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) Tommy Butler 2002
This software is free, and you may use
and distribute it under the same terms
as Perl itself.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constructor
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub new {
my($class) = shift;
my($main) = shift;
my($this) = {};
my($name) = __PACKAGE__;
# -------------------------------------------
# bless object ref into the class' namespace
# -------------------------------------------
bless($this, $class);
# -------------------------------------------
# begin setting up class attributes
# -------------------------------------------
$this->{'name'} = $name;
$this->{'main'} = $main;
# -------------------------------------------
# finish by verifying class attributes
# -------------------------------------------
# return object reference
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::verify_attributes()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub verify_attributes {
my($this) = shift;
my($name) = $this->{'name'};
my($main) = $this->{'main'};
$this->quit(qq[$name needs a reference to the caller's namespace.])
if not $main;
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::benchsub()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub benchsub {
no strict 'refs';
my($this) = shift;
my($sub) = shift;
my(@args) = (@_,'');
my($pak) = $this->{'main'}{'PACKAGE'};
$pak ||= ''; $sub ||= '';
my($start) = 0; my($end) = 0;
open(TRASH, '>tmp.txt'); select TRASH;
$start = $this->startsub($sub);
$end = $this->endsub($sub);
truncate(TRASH,0); close(TRASH); select STDOUT;
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::startsub()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub startsub {
my($this) = shift;
my($sub) = @_;
$this->{'STARTSUB'}{ $sub } = (times)[0];
push( @{ $this->{'list'} }, $sub );
return( $this->{'STARTSUB'}{ $sub } );
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::endsub()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub endsub {
my($this) = shift;
my($sub) = @_;
$this->{'ENDSUB'}{ $sub } = (times)[0];
push( @{ $this->{'list'} }, $sub );
return( $this->{'ENDSUB'}{ $sub } );
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::startmark()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub startmark {
my($this,$markid) = @_;
$markid ||= $this->{'current_set'};
$this->{'STARTMARK'}{ $markid } = (times)[0];
return( $this->{'STARTMARK'}{ $markid } );
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::endmark()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub endmark {
my($this,$markid) = @_;
$markid ||= $this->{'current_set'};
$this->{'ENDMARK'}{ $markid } = (times)[0];
return( $this->{'ENDMARK'}{$markid} );
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::timediff()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub timediff {
my($this,$markid) = @_;
$markid ||= $this->{'current_set'};
qq[start mark #$i to finish mark #$i],
$this->{'STARTMARK'}{ $markid },
$this->{'ENDMARK'}{ $markid } )
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::format_results()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub format_results {
my($this,$sub,$start,$end) = @_;
$sub ||= '(unnamed subroutine)'; $start ||= 0; $end ||= 0;
sprintf qq[execution time for $sub: %.5f secs] . NL x 2, $end - $start
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::quit()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub quit {
my($this) = shift;
print( qq[Content-Type: text/html] . NL x 2 )
if (scalar(@{ $this->{'main'}{'ARGV'} }) == 0);
print( qq[process terminated due to errors...] ) and die $this->trace(@_)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# ClockPerl::trace()
# --------------------------------------------------------
sub trace {
my($this) = shift;
my($main) = $this->{'main'};
my(@errors) = @_;
my($errfile) = '';
my( $pak, $filename,
$linenum, $subroutine,
$hasargs, $wantarray,
$evaltext, $req_OR_use,
@ClockPerl, $trace,
$i );
while (
$pak, $filename,
$linenum, $subroutine,
$hasargs, $wantarray,
$evaltext, $req_OR_use
) = caller( ++$i )
) {
NL . ' ' x 9 . qq[$i.) $subroutine] .
NL . ' ' x 12 .
qq[at line ($linenum) of $filename]
$i = 0;
foreach (@errors) {
if (length($_) == 0) {
$_ = NL . ' ' x 9 . qq[$i.) Something is wrong at error number $i...]
else { $_ = NL . ' ' x 9 . qq[$i.) $_] }
$trace = join(NL x 2,( reverse( @ClockPerl ), qq[Errors:] . NL x 2 ));
$trace .= join(NL x 2,@errors);
NL x 2
. ('-' x 70)
. NL x 2
. qq[Stack trace:] . NL x 2
. $trace
. NL x 2
. ('-' x 70)
. NL x 2
# --------------------------------------------------------
# end ClockPerl Class, return true on import
# --------------------------------------------------------