#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use constant NL => qq[\n]; # a less ugly new line
# set up your table
my($table) =
123 => # A table column named "123"
[ 763, # The list of values within table column "123"...
456 => # A table column named "456"
[ 554, # The list of values within table column "456"...
789 => # A table column named "789"
[ 322, # The list of values within table column "789"...
# user input:
my($input_1) = 456; # (hopefully) corresponds to a column within the table
my($input_2) = 389; # (hopefully) corresponds to a value within the table column
# The user's first input argument should match a column name in the table.
# Print out error message if the table contains no column matching the user's
# first input argument.
print qq[No such column as "$input_1" exists in the table.], NL x 2 and exit
unless exists $table->{ $input_1 };
# If the table contains a column name that matches the user's first input
# argument, the user's second input argument needs to match up with a value
# in that table column. Check that column for an entry that matches the user's
# second input argument.
if (&find_in_column( $input_2, @{ $table->{ $input_1 } } )) {
# print a success message if the user's second input argument matches
# a value in that table column
print qq[Match found! Value "$input_2" exists in table column "$input_1"];
else {
# print a failure message if the user's second input argument doesn't
# match up with any value in that table column
print qq[No such value as "$input_2" exists in table column "$input_1"];
print NL x 2 and exit;
# subroutine used to look up a value within a list of items
# usage: &find_in_column([item to search for], [list to search in])
sub find_in_column {
my($lookup,@list) = @_;
my(%lookup_hash) = (); @lookup_hash{ @list } = ();
return exists $lookup_hash{ $lookup };