#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
This code reads in a number from a file (let's call it "current.txt")
and then takes that number and copies an html document (let's call it
"the-number-from-the-file.html") to "page.html".
Directly after this operation, the number is incremented and re-saved to
"current.txt". This goes on until the number 5 is reached, and then the
number in "current.txt" would be reset to 1.
Tommy Butler - 2/14/03, for "Andrew" (Happy St. Valentine's Day!)
This program is free software, you may redistribute and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU GPL. <URL: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt>
# system path + filename of the counter file
$COUNTER_FILE = './current.txt';
# system path + filename for the file which will be replaced when a new file
# is selected from the rotation
$TARGET_FILE = './page.html';
# directory where all pages in the rotation are located.
$ROTATE_DIR = '../any/old/directory/where/you/keep/those/numbered/html/files';
# stop the rotation and start over at the beginning when this number is reached
# in the rotation. If, for example, you want to stop at 10.html and start back
# over, set this variable to a value of ten (10)
$CUTOFF = 10;
# -------/ No more editing is necessary now. / ----------------------------
# standard distribution Perl extension library for use with file copying ops
use File::Copy;
# handle CGI-based execution environment protocol if necessary
print qq[Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n\n]
# get rotation position from counter file, advance position. create counter
# file if necessary, initializing the rotation at 1.
open(POS, '>' . $COUNTER_FILE)
or die qq[Can't create "$COUNTER_FILE", "$!"]
unless -e $COUNTER_FILE;
open(POS,$COUNTER_FILE) or die qq[Can't open "$COUNTER_FILE", "$!"];
my($pos) = ((<POS>)[0] || 0); close(POS);
$pos += 1; $pos = 1 if $pos == $CUTOFF + 1;
# update counter file
open(POS,'>' . $COUNTER_FILE) or die qq[Can't open "$COUNTER_FILE", "$!"];
print(POS $pos) and close(POS);
# replace or create the target file with the file selected from the rotation
copy(qq[$ROTATE_DIR/$pos.html], $TARGET_FILE)
or die qq[Can't copy "$ROTATE_DIR/$pos.html" to "$TARGET_FILE", "$!"];
# print out a report of what was done.
print <<__REPORT__;
Copied "$ROTATE_DIR/$pos.html" to "$TARGET_FILE"