Camel Clyde "yet another documentary..." All right, cool. Yeah 'cause you know how I was just sayin' about how I'm cool and people need to quit drinkin' that nasty java $*@%$#! and move over to this, baby. --To the big Daddy Camel. yeah. Daddy Camel. Hoo-yea. That's right. Who's yo Camel? Who's Dadaaae Cam-el? Yeeeaah. Yeah, so like I was just sayin, you know how I'm all cool an that. Yeah, yeah so tell your IT boss people how they need to *down-load* me. That's right 'cause I have this new website now. I am www dot Daddy Yeah, you gotta pay now. I cost, MUUUUNEEEEEY BABY! Daddy Camel ain't free no more, No I sold out man. And so what. You can take your hump and go if you don't like it. now How do you think I am gonna pay for all this ice man? Duh. Do you know how much stuff I have, man I have a ferrari man. fe-rar-ee ain't cheap right. Ok so, yeah. Download *this camel* baby $50,000 only. ACT NOW! You get free ginsu knives, man. You gonna let that go? Pay up. Yeah you just pay me. I'm gonna call that business software alliance too man. Yeah, I know if you're tryin to be free and all that. I can seeeee it, man. Now Come on eve-ree-body and visit my website. I I just got *another* new one, uhm... dot com or somthin. ok. I am ahhhhhhhn LINE Baby! Ha, ha, YES! Yeah man, so here it is, you tell your people that Daddy Camel has made his call and they gotta move over to this, man. Step off man --let the camel through! I am fo-real baby! I have all that. I am portable and POSIX and all that stuff man! Heh,HE-heh. Like it says... heh, heh. Here, listen ta this now... ok, this article is talkin, and they're talkin about all that stuff about my savua'faire, and how I got poise man, and irresistible charm, Yessss. Yeah, the girlie cam-els babeeeEEE! cam-ma-mameeehls, they love me. I am a *lady's* camel. Yeah. They all love me. I have a followin' and all that. It's all the truth, man! It's right here, in my hoof, this is a newwws-pay-per. I've got some more uh these too. I do, man. See, listen. I'll read sum more fuh yuhhh. Ok, ok. da-da-da da-dahhh d'dda d-dahh. OK, Yeah, see? look here. Heehhh, see! P-O-S-I-X. See man? Its all here man! 'says I'm popular, and open source and all that. See, that's because people like me, and I have my own published books man! You know, that? like books hello... I'm not even playing with you. Daddaaae Cam-el does not play. I'm genuine, man. I've got sumpthin' like, uhhm 500 websites man! all they are is websites all *about me*. See? Its cause I am the PERL camel. Man, that is so big man. I am so big, I'm like, BIG -- man. I am huge like that, baby. People know it, they call me, we do lunch and all that. I'm so important man! And I get on location hump-back massages every day. That's right. Life-time membership at twocamels tan, baby! Yeah! And I have this yacht. And you know I don't even drive it man. I'm so important that somebody drives it *for* me while I drink some ah that pina colada stuff man. Yeah, yeah. Wassuuup. And you know I just was was beatin' up like 50, 80, like 100 of those savagin' camel eating desert ape-sasquatch- lookin' bear things, yaknow? The camel bear eatin' things. --They're all biiiig and all foamin' at the mouth cause they all dirty and stinky and always lookin for a cam-el. They had to go down man! They can't eat me, no way! Daddaaae Cam-el is not for dinner. -No way, so there was like, 200 of those bear-things. And they wuz all creapin' up on me like they wuz bad... No, no-- no wait no, hold on Larry! I'm just telling everybody how you made me POSIX complia... Ah, whatever I'm NOT EITHER going outside! No, no! C'mon, c'mon, I know it's your yacht! Hey, hey I'm sorry! Oaaaaw! noooo. Pleeeease! I'm sorry man... No, let me in, I'm not... No way! I do not live in that camel house! No! I live in there, man. Man, NO! I hate the cam... uhhh. Hey man, look, I don't know what you are taking about! I do not even *have* a camel house man! This is animal rights man! I have animal riiiights! Hello? *bang-bang-bang* HEY! Hey Larry, old pal, buddy, c'mon, you know you want to lemme in. Man, he ain't even in there. *bang-bang* Laaaaarrreeeeee! man. MAN I'm gonna die out here man! You need to let me in! Do you hear me? I'm - gonna - die! Those camel eatin' monkey bears are all over this place man! Ahhh, MAN! Dang! Why he always gotta take it so personally, man. Humans are always like that, man uuuhhhhh. Dangit! HEEEEEY! *bang-bang* Let--me--IN! *bang-thump-thump* Man! Larry. I'm warni... Hey! HEH-HEEEEY! I saw you, let-me-in man, it's hot out here man! I'm tellin you I AM GON TA DIE! Those pigeon flyin'-around bears are COMIN' now man! I'm gonna die and you're gonna feel so bad man! You can't live without me. You know! HEY! MAN come back, man. jerk. Man, whatever man. You just be like that man! He just waked away. No way man. What is that anyway? really man. ...stupid camel house.