#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# (see tutorial on redirecting STDERR here at the ooOPPs Code Library under
# the "/tutorials" section-
# <URL http://ooopps.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/archive.pl/pub/tutorials/
# easily redirect STDOUT, STDERR, or STDIN like this
my($script) = __FILE__; $script =~ s/^.*(?:\\|\/|\:)//;
open(*STDOUT, qq[>>/var/tmp/$script.log]) and print(<<'__RD__');
This output will be sent to a log, rather than STDOUT.
open(*STDERR, qq[>>/var/tmp/$script.error.log]) and warn(<<'__RD__');
This warning will be sent to an error log, rather than STDERR.