#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# unless you're stupid or a genious who has a good reason...
use strict;

# welcome to the CGI mailing list.  We often...
use CGI;

# get the information from an HTML form and stuff it into a new "$cgi" thingy
my($cgi) = CGI->new();

# from the form data we just got, get all options that were selected in
# the HTML form select box named "addOns".
my(@addOns) = $cgi->param('addOns');

# if you want to see an example of the output generated by this code when
# a search is successful, uncomment the next line.
# @addOns = qw( far blue car ADDONS );

# make a new array variable.  we'll be using it later.
my(@aOns) = ();

# make a new scalar variable.  we'll also be using it later.
my($trash) = '';

# make a new array variable filled with the values of all options available
# in the HTML form select box we just mentioned
my(@accountAddOns) = qw( foo bar baz blue car jazz flew far as );

# start doing something.  scan over all values in the array named "@addOns"
foreach (@addOns) {

   # if the value that we are currently scanning over is equivalent to
   # one of the items in "@accountAddOns", save it in the array named
   # "@aOns" an mark it as a selected item.
   if (isin($_,@accountAddOns)) {

            qq[<option selected="selected">$_</option>]


   # otherwise, save it in the array named "@aOns" as an ordinary item
   # as long as it isn't a junk value we don't want.
         and next unless ($_ eq 'ADDONS');

   # assign the value of the junk item to the scalar variable named "$trash"
   $trash = $_

# proudly tell the world what selected options from the HTML form select box
# were equivalent to one of the values in the array named "@accountAddOns"
print(<<__MATCHES__) and exit if @aOns;

Victory!  The person who filled out our form selected something that matched
a value in "\@aOns"  All matching selections made by that person are listed


print(<<'__NO_DICE__') and exit;

Our search was fruitless.  None of the options selected by the person who
filled out our form were matches for any of the values listed in the
array named "@aOns"

Maybe something went wrong?


# this is a scanner routine that checks to see if its first argument is
# found in the list of all its other arguments.  I'm too lazy to explain
# how it works.
sub isin {

   my($cmp)    = shift(@_) || return(undef);
   my(@list)   = @_;

   for (my($i) = 0; $i < @list; ++$i) {

      $list[$i] = '' unless defined($list[$i]);

      if ($list[$i] eq $cmp) { return($list[$i],$i) }
